The newest  and most powerful Modality created by Dr Bradley Nelson.  Thank you Dr Bradley

Clients have had profound changes with just 1 session.  Processing time is longer and it reflects the work that is being done at such a deep level. 

We acquired our characteristics, looks, mannerisms from our ancestors.  Our skin color, the hair, the color of our eyes, the nose shapes, physique etc are passed down our lineage through the DNA.  The DNA is the blueprints of all who we are.  

So if looks and mannerisms can be inherited, so can our thought and belief patterns.

The Belief code is a modality that works with negative programs, limiting beliefs and faulty core beliefs.  It is not just removing the leaf off a tree, or even a branch, but the whole root.  Imagine what that will do for your future lineage (if you don't already have kids).  

The Belief code identifies the above listed and then identified and removes any associated imbalances with the belief system.  It goes further to also remove trapped emotions associated with the belief system.  

On removing the belief system, new empowering beliefs are installed also.  This modality works at the subconscious level, much like changing the Operating System on a computer.