These techniques are not meant to replace any medical treatments.

You too can feel on top of the world again!!

Emotion Code

The Emotion Code is a technique which helps to identify and release Trapped Emotions, which are harmful emotional energies from negative past events.

Trapped Emotions can contribute to and not limited to the following:



Blocked from love and happiness

Disconnected from others and the world in general

Low energy

Physical issues and more

Financial issues 

A trapped emotion is the size of your fist and can get lodged anywhere in your body.  This energy can cause problems with the physical, emotional, energetic aspects of your life. 

It is like a kink in a hose pipe.  Water does flow but it is limited.  Our energy is the same.  When the kink is removed there is force and water flows well again.  That is our energy.  We are all energy.  There is nothing else in this multiverse.  So Invest in your energy.  It is everything.

Dr. Bradley Nelson


The Emotion Code



The Heart Wall

There may have been times in your own life where you have felt that physical sensation we refer to as “heartache.” This feeling of pressure or discomfort in the chest and throat may occur when someone is hurting us or we have a deep sense of grief or loss. I believe that the heart is actually the core of our being, just like the ancients believed. And I think that the spirit within us does not like this feeling. I believe that if you have this experience more than a couple of times in your life, that your subconscious mind may form an “energy wall” to protect your heart against further heartache. We refer to this wall of energy as the “Heart-Wall.”

Dr. Bradley Nelson 

Dr. Bradley Nelson


The Heart Wall





Body Code

The Body Code, deals with balancing the body in these different aspects.  

It is a complete method of body balancing which relies on the Emotion Code Modality for clearing trapped emotion.  Anything that is imbalanced in the body is able to be identified and corrected. By correcting any underlying imbalances, we help the body’s innate self-healing ability to take over.  As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or non-existent.”


Provide benefits across a broad spectrum of issues! Since energy can become trapped anywhere within the body, it has the potential to wreak havoc on almost every part of the self – body, mind, and spirit. These issues are addressed by removing trapped energetic imbalances of all kinds, often providing instant relief! 

Benefits of Energy Healing

Divided into six main sections

Achieve energetic balance when you release trapped emotional baggage. Trapped emotions can be stored anywhere in the body, and can impact your well-being in a wide variety of ways, from physical discomfort to emotional turmoil.

Achieve physical balance by identifying issues in organs, glands, muscles, and other body systems. By releasing the imbalances trapped in these specific systems, you’ll likely see remarkable changes in the way the body functions. 

Identify heavy metals, free radicals, chemicals, EMF radiation, and other toxins that may be throwing off your body’s balance.

Use the Body Code to discover fungal, bacterial, viral, mold, or parasitic invaders that may wreak havoc on your body from the inside out.

Support the proper function of bones, nerves, connective tissues, and alignment. Release energetic imbalances that could be affecting the structural balance of your body.

Find herbs, nutrients, exercise, and lifestyle habits that your body needs. By using the Body Code for energy healing, you can identify nutrition and lifestyle changes that will support your optimum health.

Dr. Bradley Nelson


The Body Code




The Belief Code® is a sophisticated, comprehensive energy healing method that builds on the principles of the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™. The Belief Code allows energy healing practitioners to tap into the subconscious mind in order to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse or replace negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs!


Dr. Bradley Nelson

talks about

The Belief Code



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