Your natural state is one of abundance, and your higher self is in alignment with that state. However, as imbalances accumulate during the course of life, we can come
into conflict with a state of abundance and have trouble creating it.

Do you find patterns repeating themselves in your life.  Same as your parents, grandparents etc.  You always struggle with money and when you finally do manage to get some money, something happens, like the car breaks down or the washing machine packs up and the money just goes again.  You can never accumulate money or you have a money ceiling.  You can never earn above a certain number no matter how hard you try.  Has that ever happened to you??  If the answer is "YES" to any of the questions then you have Abundance Blocks.

This Abundance Breakthrough program is a comprehensive program which blasts away blocks to abundance.  

In order to be completely able to create abundance, all the vibrations on the program should yield the correct response. 
 Where the statement does not identify as true, the imbalances/blockages are removed by using the Body Code and The Emotion Code  until the statement is true for you.  There are approximately 50 statements that are checked and balanced.

Since healing happens in layers, deep imbalances may surface again throughout the healing process.  

An example of a positive vibration statement may be: I deserve freedom for which you get a negative result.  The imbalances that make this statement negative for you are then identified and removed.  This process continues until the above statement gives a positive result.

A negative vibration statement could be: If I become wealthy, I will become selfish.  

For negative vibration statements the answer needs to be "NO". If the answer is "YES" then the imbalances that are making the above statement true are removed until we get the required response.  

Whilst you might not identify with some statements, remember they could be absorbed or inherited.  Work is being done at much deeper levels.