
Energy Harmony

Energy Healing - Change your Energy, Change your Life

Learn about The Emotion Code

What is Energy Healing?

In the words of Albert Einstein "Everything is Energy"  A

As you change your Energy, you change your environment.  As you change your environment you change your life. Dr Joe Dispenza.

Invest in your Energy - it is the BIGGEST asset that you have!! Raymon Grace

In short, Energy Healing is a process of removing energetic blocks in your body to bring about balance.  

Strong emotions, trauma, heartache, and any traumatic experiences  

Discover your  body’s own energy healing power


Have been able to make dramatic changes in my life… once the built up pressure of unresolved emotional trauma was released I am freely living life and more at peace.

Heidi S

I can honestly say there has been a huge shift in my energy. I feel so much more positive and uplifted. Other people have also noticed a change in me. I'm so much happier, positive and content. I haven't felt this good in years. Thank You

Pauline H

Things have improved immensely and want to give credit to this.....Its always fascinating to see these reports as they are pretty spot on. I just love your work.... thank you thank you thank you

Nancy J


These techniques are not meant to replace any medical treatments.

Dr Nelson is the founder and creator of the Emotion Code, Body Code and now the Belief Code. “Anything can cause anything“ Dr Bradley Nelson. Bradley Nelson.

Emotion Code: Many issues have root causes from imbalances of some variety. One of the most common types of imbalances is emotional. Trapped emotions have been seen to cause a wide range of issues, both emotional and physical. Anything can cause anything

The Body CodeFocuses on imbalances in categories such as Energy, Misalignments, Toxins, Nutrition & Lifestyle, Pathogens & Systems/Circuits. The Belief Code: The Belief Code is designed to remove negative belief systems in the subconscious mind. 

The Belief CodeThe Belief Code® is a sophisticated, comprehensive energy healing method that builds on the principles of the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™. The Belief Code allows energy healing practitioners to tap into the subconscious mind in order to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse or replace negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs!




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